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Men's 1st Team get promoted!

Men's 1st Team get promoted!

Cath Baldock3 May 2023 - 20:14
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We've only gone and done it!!

After many hard fought years by Harborne men's 1st team squad, Harborne are absolutely delighted to have been promoted into Division 1 of National League.

After missing out on promotion in the 21/22 season Harborne were gunning for 1st place this year and nothing else would suffice.

The time and dedication put in by each individual player, manager and coach has been outstanding throughout the whole season. We would personally like to thank everyone who has contributed their time, effort, support and commitment from club members, family, friends and sponsors.

We are looking forward to the 23/24 season and to both new and continued support from everyone that makes this possible.

Tim Idoine 1st XI Captain

Further reading